Story (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural sto·ries.
  1. a narrative, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse, designed to interest, amuse, or instruct the hearer or reader; tale.
  2. a fictitious tale, shorter and less elaborate than a novel.
  3. such narratives or tales as a branch of literature: song and story.
  4. the plot or succession of incidents of a novel, poem, drama, etc.: The characterizations were good, but the story was weak.
  5. a narration of an incident or a series of events or an example of these that is or may be narrated, as an anecdote, joke, etc.
  6. a narration of the events in the life of a person or the existence of a thing, or such events as a subject for narration: the story of medicine; the story of his life.
  7. a report or account of a matter; statement or allegation: The story goes that he rejected the offer.
  8. news story.
  9. a lie or fabrication: What he said about himself turned out to be a story.
  10. history.
verb (used with object), sto·ried, sto·ry·ing.
  1. to ornament with pictured scenes, as from history or legend.
  2. to tell the history or story of.
noun, plural sto·ries.
  1. a complete horizontal section of a building, having one continuous or practically continuous floor.
  2. the set of rooms on the same floor or level of a building.
  3. any major horizontal architectural division, as of a façade or the wall of a nave.
  4. a layer.
  1. U.S. jurist.
  2. U.S. sculptor and poet.
noun plural -ries
  1. a narration of a chain of events told or written in prose or verse
  2. a piece of fiction, briefer and usually less detailed than a novel
  3. the plot of a book, film, etc
  4. an event that could be the subject of a narrative
  5. a report or statement on a matter or event
  6. the event or material for such a report
  7. a lie, fib, or untruth
  8. to leave out details in a narration
  9. the familiar or regular course of events
  10. it is commonly said or believed
verb -ries, -rying or -ried (tr)
  1. to decorate (a pot, wall, etc) with scenes from history or legends
noun plural -ries
  1. another spelling (esp US) of storey
Story (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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