Swallow (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to take into the stomach by drawing through the throat and esophagus with a voluntary muscular action, as food, drink, or other substances.
  2. to take in so as to envelop; withdraw from sight; assimilate or absorb: He was swallowed by the crowd.
  3. to accept without question or suspicion; believe; trust.
  4. to accept without opposition; put up with: to swallow an insult.
  5. to accept for lack of an alternative: Consumers will have to swallow new price hikes.
  6. to suppress (emotion, a laugh, a sob, etc.) as if by drawing it down one's throat.
  7. to take back; retract: to swallow one's words.
  8. to enunciate poorly; mutter: He swallowed his words.
verb (used without object)
  1. to perform the act of swallowing.
  1. the act or an instance of swallowing.
  2. a quantity swallowed at one time; a mouthful: Take one swallow of brandy.
  3. capacity for swallowing.
  4. the space in a block, between the groove of the sheave and the shell, through which the rope runs.
  1. any of numerous small, long-winged passerine birds of the family Hirundinidae, noted for their swift, graceful flight and for the extent and regularity of their migrations.
  2. any of several unrelated, swallowlike birds, as the chimney swift.
verb (mainly tr)
  1. to pass (food, drink, etc) through the mouth to the stomach by means of the muscular action of the oesophagus
  2. to engulf or destroy as if by ingestion
  3. to believe gullibly
  4. to refrain from uttering or manifesting
  5. to endure without retaliation
  6. to enunciate (words, etc) indistinctly; mutter
  7. to eat or drink reluctantly
  8. to perform or simulate the act of swallowing, as in gulping
  9. to retract a statement, argument, etc, often in humiliating circumstances
  1. the act of swallowing
  2. the amount swallowed at any single time; mouthful
  3. the opening between the shell and the groove of the sheave of a block, through which the rope is passed
  4. rare another word for throat, gullet
  5. a capacity for swallowing; appetite
  1. any passerine songbird of the family Hirundinidae, esp Hirundo rustica (common or barn swallow), having long pointed wings, a forked tail, short legs, and a rapid flight
  2. See fairy swallow
Swallow (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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