Syllable (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an uninterrupted segment of speech consisting of a vowel sound, a diphthong, or a syllabic consonant, with or without preceding or following consonant sounds: “Eye,” “sty,” “act,” and “should” are English words of one syllable. “Eyelet,” “stifle,” “enact,” and “shouldn't” are two-syllable words.
  2. one or more written letters or characters representing more or less exactly such an element of speech.
  3. the slightest portion or amount of speech or writing; the least mention: Do not breathe a syllable of all this.
verb (used with object), syl·la·bled, syl·la·bling.Chiefly Literary.
  1. to utter in syllables; articulate.
  2. to represent by syllables.
verb (used without object), syl·la·bled, syl·la·bling.Chiefly Literary.
  1. to utter syllables; speak.
  1. a combination or set of one or more units of sound in a language that must consist of a sonorous element (a sonant or vowel) and may or may not contain less sonorous elements (consonants or semivowels) flanking it on either or both sides: for example "paper" has two syllables
  2. (in the writing systems of certain languages, esp ancient ones) a symbol or set of symbols standing for a syllable
  3. the least mention in speech or print
  4. simply; bluntly
  1. to pronounce syllables of (a text); articulate
  2. to write down in syllables
Syllable (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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