Taboo (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. proscribed by society as improper or unacceptable: Taboo language is usually bleeped on TV.
  2. prohibited or excluded from use or practice: In art school, painting from photographs was taboo.
  3. (among the Polynesians and other peoples of the South Pacific) separated or set apart as sacred; forbidden for general use; placed under a prohibition or ban.
noun, plural ta·boos.
  1. a prohibition or interdiction of anything; exclusion from use or practice: One of the strongest taboos in all modern societies is against incest.
  2. (among the Polynesians and other peoples of the South Pacific)
    • the system, practice, or act whereby things are set apart as sacred, forbidden for general use, or placed under a prohibition or interdiction.
    • the condition of being so set apart, forbidden, or interdicted.
  3. exclusion from social relations; ostracism.
verb (used with object), ta·booed, ta·boo·ing.
  1. to put under a taboo; prohibit or forbid.
  2. to ostracize (a person, group, etc.): While he is tabooed, no one may speak to him.
  1. forbidden or disapproved of; placed under a social prohibition or ban
  2. (in Polynesia and other islands of the South Pacific) marked off as simultaneously sacred and forbidden
noun plural -boos or -bus
  1. any prohibition resulting from social or other conventions
  2. ritual restriction or prohibition, esp of something that is considered holy or unclean
  1. to place under a taboo
Taboo (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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