Taster (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person who tastes, especially one skilled in distinguishing the qualities of liquors, tea, etc., by the taste.
  2. a container for taking samples or tasting.
  3. a wide shallow cup, usually metal, for holding wine to be tasted, as by a professional taster.
  4. a person employed or ordered to taste the food and drink prepared for a king, dictator, etc., to ascertain the presence of poison.
  5. a person able to taste phenylthiourea or some other test substance.
  1. a person who samples food or drink for quality
  2. any device used in tasting or sampling
  3. a person employed, esp formerly, to taste food and drink prepared for a king, etc, to test for poison
  4. a sample or preview of a product, experience, etc, intended to stimulate interest in the product, experience, etc, itself
Taster (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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