Teaser (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person or thing that teases.
  2. an advertisement that lures customers or clients by offering a bonus, gift, or the like.
    • a short, impressionistic image, promotional video, or audio spot that reveals very little about the product or company being advertised and is presented to generate interest in advance of the primary advertising campaign.
    • a short, edited promotional video to generate interest in an upcoming film and announce its release date: a teaser is a forerunner to full-length trailers for the film that feature highlights and are shown closer to the film’s distribution date.
    • bumper1 (def. 9a).
  3. tease (def. 10).
  4. a drapery or flat piece across the top of the proscenium arch that masks the flies and that, together with the tormentors, forms a frame for the stage opening.
  5. kicker (def. 9).
  1. a person who teases
  2. a preliminary advertisement in a campaign that attracts attention by making people curious to know what product is being advertised
  3. a difficult question
  4. a vasectomized male animal, such as an ox, used to detect oestrus in females
Teaser (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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