Template (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a pattern, mold, or the like, usually consisting of a thin plate of wood or metal, serving as a gauge or guide in mechanical work.
  2. anything that determines or serves as a pattern; a model: You can use my notes as a template for employee evaluations.
  3. a horizontal piece, as of timber or stone, in a wall, to receive and distribute the pressure of a girder, beam, or the like.
  4. either of two wedges in each of the temporary blocks forming the support for the keel of a ship while building.
  5. any object having lines, slots, or straightedges to represent lines radiating from the center of a photograph, used for graphic triangulation.
  6. a strand of DNA or RNA that serves as a pattern for the synthesis of a complementary strand of nucleic acid or protein.
  7. Computers.
    • a small sheet or strip of cardboard, plastic, or the like, that fits over a portion of the keyboard and provides ready reference to the keystroke commands of a particular software program.
    • an electronic file with a predesigned, customized format and structure, as for a fax, letter, or expense report, ready to be filled in.
  8. a marble base for a toilet.
  1. a gauge or pattern, cut out in wood or metal, used in woodwork, etc, to help shape something accurately
  2. a pattern cut out in card or plastic, used in various crafts to reproduce shapes
  3. a short beam, made of metal, wood, or stone, that is used to spread a load, as over a doorway
  4. the molecular structure of a compound that serves as a pattern for the production of the molecular structure of another specific compound in a reaction
    Template (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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