Ternary (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. consisting of or involving three; threefold; triple.
  2. third in order or rank.
  3. based on the number three.
  4. Chemistry.
    • consisting of three different elements or groups.
    • (formerly) consisting of three atoms.
  5. having three variables.
  6. (of an alloy) having three principal constituents.
noun, plural ter·na·ries.
  1. a group of three.
  1. consisting of three or groups of three
  2. maths
    • (of a number system) to the base three
    • involving or containing three variables
  3. (of an alloy, mixture, or chemical compound) having three different components or composed of three different elements
noun plural -ries
  1. a group of three
Ternary (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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