Tertiary (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. of the third order, rank, stage, formation, etc.; third.
  2. Chemistry.
    • noting or containing a carbon atom united to three other carbon atoms.
    • formed by replacement of three atoms or groups.
  3. noting or pertaining to the period forming the earlier part of the Cenozoic Era, occurring from 65 million to 2 million years ago, characterized by the development and proliferation of mammals.
  4. tertial.
  5. noting or pertaining to a branch, or third order, of certain religious orders that consists of lay members living in community (regular tertiaries ) or living in the world (secular tertiaries ).
noun, plural ter·ti·ar·ies.
  1. the Tertiary Period or System.
  2. a tertial feather.
  3. a member of a tertiary branch of a religious order.
  4. tertiary color.
  1. third in degree, order, etc
  2. (of education) taking place after secondary school, such as at university, college, etc
  3. (of an industry) involving services as opposed to extraction or manufacture, such as transport, finance, etc
  4. of or relating to a Third Order
  5. chem
    • (of an organic compound) having a functional group attached to a carbon atom that is attached to three other groups
    • (of an amine) having three organic groups attached to a nitrogen atom
    • (of a salt) derived from a tribasic acid by replacement of all its acidic hydrogen atoms with metal atoms or electropositive groups
  6. of, relating to, or designating any of the small flight feathers attached to the part of the humerus nearest to the body
noun plural -tiaries
  1. any of the tertiary feathers
  2. a member of a Third Order
  1. of, denoting, or formed in the first period of the Cenozoic era, which lasted for 63 million years, during which mammals became dominant
  1. the Tertiary period or rock system, divided into Palaeocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene epochs or series
      Tertiary (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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