Third Class (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the class, grade, or rank immediately below the second.
  2. the least costly class of accommodations on trains, in hotels, etc.
  3. (in the U.S. Postal Service) the class of mail consisting of merchandise weighing up to 16 ounces, and written or printed material, as books, manuscripts, or circulars, not sealed against postal inspection.
  4. the lowest of three honors degrees conferred by a British university.
  1. of the lowest or poorest class or quality; inferior.
  2. least costly and luxurious: a third-class coach.
  1. by third-class mail or passenger accommodations: to travel third-class.
  1. the class or grade next in value, quality, etc, to the second
adjective (third-class when prenominal)
  1. of the class or grade next in value, quality, etc, to the second
  2. of or denoting the class of accommodation in a hotel, on a ship, etc, next in quality and price to the second: usually the cheapest
  3. (in the US and Canada) of or relating to a class of mail consisting largely of unsealed printed matter
  4. British See third (def. 8)
  1. by third-class mail, transport, etc
Third Class (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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