Thorax (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural tho·rax·es, tho·ra·ces [thawr-uh-seez, thohr-]. /ˈθɔr əˌsiz, ˈθoʊr-/.
  1. the part of the trunk in humans and higher vertebrates between the neck and the abdomen, containing the cavity, enclosed by the ribs, sternum, and certain vertebrae, in which the heart, lungs, etc., are situated; chest.
  2. a corresponding part in other animals.
  3. (in insects) the portion of the body between the head and the abdomen.
noun plural thoraxes or thoraces (ˈθɔːrəˌsiːz, θɔːˈreɪsiːz)
  1. the part of the human body enclosed by the ribs
  2. the corresponding part in other vertebrates
  3. the part of an insect's body between the head and abdomen, which bears the wings and legs
Plural thoraxes thoraces (thôrə-sēz′)
    Thorax (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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