Thrall (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person who is morally or mentally enslaved by some power, influence, or the like: He was the thrall of morbid fantasies.
  2. a person held in bondage or slavery.
  3. slavery; thralldom.
  4. the condition of being in the power of something or someone; a state of subjugation or rapt absorption: We will receive no help from the media, who are for the most part in thrall to the political establishment.
verb (used with object)
  1. to put or hold in thralldom; enslave.
  1. subjected to bondage; enslaved.
  1. the state or condition of being in the power of another person
  2. a person who is in such a state
  3. a person totally subject to some need, desire, appetite, etc
  1. to enslave or dominate
Thrall (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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