Throbbing (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. beating or pulsing rapidly or forcefully, as the heart under the influence of emotion or excitement: One may use a sweet, patient tone and words, but the throbbing vein in the temple betrays one’s anger.
  2. feeling or exhibiting strong emotion or passion: As he spoke to the students crashing the climate convention, he was clearly thrilled to be there in that throbbing mass of youthful exuberance.
  3. pulsating or vibrating regularly: The throbbing sound was now at full volume, and it was indeed drums—deep, heavy goatskin drums.
  4. being or feeling pain that occurs in rhythmic waves or bursts: A sinus infection often results in a throbbing headache.He pounded on the closed door, but with no effect apart from a throbbing fist.
  5. full of or characterized by lively energy: This throbbing metropolis is also the world capital of salsa.
  1. the act of beating fast or forcefully, pulsating or vibrating, or occurring in rhythmic waves: The pain in his shoulder had subsided to a dull throbbing.Astronomers have measured the throbbing of a sun-like star 24 light-years away.
  2. the act or fact of feeling or exhibiting strong emotion or passion: The throbbing of my rage was so powerful that the ground trembled.
  3. lively energy: Feel the throbbing of the world’s cultures at the annual international festival this weekend!
Throbbing (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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