Tidy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, ti·di·er, ti·di·est.
  1. neat, orderly, or trim, as in appearance or dress: a tidy room;a tidy person.
  2. clearly organized and systematic: a tidy mind;a tidy way of working.
  3. tolerably good; acceptable: They worked out a tidy arrangement agreeable to all.
  4. fairly large; considerable: a tidy sum.
verb (used with or without object), ti·died, ti·dy·ing.
  1. to make tidy or neat (often followed by up).
noun, plural ti·dies.
  1. any of various articles for keeping things tidy, as a box having small drawers and compartments.
  2. an antimacassar.
adjective -dier or -diest
  1. characterized by or indicating neatness and order
  2. considerable
verb -dies, -dying or -died
  1. to put (things) in order; neaten
noun plural -dies
    • a small container in which odds and ends are kept
    • a container with holes in the bottom, kept in the sink to retain rubbish that might clog the plug hole
  1. an ornamental protective covering for the back or arms of a chair
Tidy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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