Tournament (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a trial of skill in some game, in which competitors play a series of contests: a chess tournament.
  2. a meeting for contests in a variety of sports, as between teams of different nations.
  3. History/Historical.
    • a contest or martial sport in which two opposing parties of mounted and armored combatants fought for a prize, with blunted weapons and in accordance with certain rules.
    • a meeting at an appointed time and place for the performance of knightly exercises and sports.
  1. a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to determine an overall winner
  2. a meeting for athletic or other sporting contestants
  3. medieval history
    • (originally) a martial sport or contest in which mounted combatants fought for a prize
    • (later) a meeting for knightly sports and exercises
Tournament (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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