Trifle (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an article or thing of very little value.
  2. a matter, affair, or circumstance of trivial importance or significance.
  3. a small, inconsiderable, or trifling sum of money.
  4. a small quantity or amount of anything; a little: She's still a trifle angry.
  5. a literary, musical, or artistic work of a light or trivial character having no great or lasting merit; bagatelle.
  6. a kind of pewter of medium hardness.
  7. articles made of this.
  8. a dessert usually consisting of custard and cake soaked in wine or liqueur, and jam, fruit, or the like.
verb (used without object), tri·fled, tri·fling.
  1. to deal lightly or without due seriousness or respect: Don't trifle with me!
  2. to play or toy by handling or fingering: He sat trifling with a pen.
  3. to act or talk in an idle or frivolous way.
  4. to pass time idly or frivolously; waste time; idle.
verb (used with object), tri·fled, tri·fling.
  1. to pass or spend (time) idly or frivolously (usually followed by away).
  1. a thing of little or no value or significance
  2. a small amount; bit
  3. a cold dessert made with sponge cake spread with jam or fruit, soaked in wine or sherry, covered with a custard sauce and cream, and decorated
  4. a type of pewter of medium hardness
  5. articles made from this pewter
  1. to deal (with) as if worthless; dally
  2. to waste (time) frivolously
Trifle (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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