Trout (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural (especially collectively) trout, (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) trouts.
  1. any of several game fishes of the genus Salmo, related to the salmon.
  2. any of various game fishes of the salmon family of the genus Salvelinus.
  3. any of several unrelated fishes, as a bass, Micropterus salmoides, a drum of the genus Cynoscion, or a greenling of the genus Hexagrammos.
noun plural trout or trouts
  1. any of various game fishes, esp Salmo trutta and related species, mostly of fresh water in northern regions: family Salmonidae (salmon). They resemble salmon but are smaller and spotted
  2. any of various similar or related fishes, such as a sea trout
  3. any of various fishes of the Salmo or Oncorhynchus genera smaller than the salmon, esp European and American varieties naturalized in Australia
  4. an irritating or grumpy person, esp a woman
Trout (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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