True (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, tru·er, tru·est.
  1. being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false: a true story.
  2. real; genuine; authentic: true gold; true feelings.
  3. sincere; not deceitful: a true interest in someone's welfare.
  4. firm in allegiance; loyal; faithful; steadfast: a true friend.
  5. being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something: the true meaning of his statement.
  6. conforming to or consistent with a standard, pattern, or the like: a true copy.
  7. exact; precise; accurate; correct: a true balance.
  8. of the right kind; such as it should be; proper: to arrange things in their true order.
  9. properly so called; rightly answering to a description: true statesmanship.
  10. legitimate or rightful: the true heir.
  11. reliable, unfailing, or sure: a true sign.
  12. exactly or accurately shaped, formed, fitted, or placed, as a surface, instrument, or part of a mechanism.
  13. honest; honorable; upright.
  14. conforming to the type, norm, or standard of structure of a particular group; typical: The lion is a true cat.
  15. purebred.
  16. (of a bearing, course, etc.) determined in relation to true north.
  17. truthful.
  1. exact or accurate formation, position, or adjustment: to be out of true.
  2. something that is true; truth.
  1. in a true manner; truly; truthfully.
  2. exactly or accurately.
  3. in conformity with the ancestral type: to breed true.
verb (used with object), trued, tru·ing or true·ing.
  1. to make true; shape, adjust, place, etc., exactly or accurately: to true the wheels of a bicycle after striking a pothole.
  2. (especially in carpentry) to make even, symmetrical, level, etc. (often followed by up): to true up the sides of a door.
  1. to have the expected or hoped-for result; become a reality: She couldn't believe that her dream would ever come true.
adjective truer or truest
  1. not false, fictional, or illusory; factual or factually accurate; conforming with reality
  2. being of real or natural origin; genuine; not synthetic
    • unswervingly faithful and loyal to friends, a cause, etc
    • (as collective noun; preceded by the)
  3. faithful to a particular concept of truth, esp of religious truth
  4. conforming to a required standard, law, or pattern
  5. exactly in tune
  6. (of a compass bearing) according to the earth's geographical rather than magnetic poles
  7. conforming to the typical structure of a designated type
  8. not apparent or relative; taking into account all complicating factors
  9. unbelievable; remarkable
  10. exactly comparable with reality
  1. correct alignment (esp in the phrases in true, out of true)
  1. truthfully; rightly
  2. precisely or unswervingly
  3. without variation from the ancestral type
verb trues, truing or trued
  1. to adjust so as to make true
True (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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