Tuba (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural tu·bas for 1a, b; tu·bae [too-bee, tyoo-] /ˈtu bi, ˈtyu-/ for 1c.
  1. Music.
    • a valved, brass wind instrument having a low range.
    • an organ reed stop of large scale with tones of exceptional power.
    • an ancient Roman trumpet.
  2. funnel cloud.
noun plural -bas or -bae (-biː)
  1. a valved brass instrument of bass pitch, in which the bell points upwards and the mouthpiece projects at right angles. The tube is of conical bore and the mouthpiece cup-shaped
  2. any other bass brass instrument such as the euphonium, helicon, etc
  3. a powerful reed stop on an organ
  4. a form of trumpet of ancient Rome
Tuba (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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