Unbalanced (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. not balanced or not properly balanced.
  2. lacking steadiness and soundness of judgment.
  3. mentally disordered; deranged.
  4. (of an account) not adjusted; not brought to an equality of debits and credits.
  5. of or relating to an offensive line formation having more than three linemen on one side of the center.
  1. lacking balance
  2. irrational or unsound; erratic
  3. mentally disordered or deranged
  4. biased; one-sided
  5. (in double-entry book-keeping) not having total debit balances equal to total credit balances
  6. (of signals or circuitry) not symmetrically disposed about earth or zero reference potential
Unbalanced (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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