Unction (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an act of anointing, especially as a medical treatment or religious rite.
  2. an unguent or ointment; salve.
  3. something soothing or comforting.
  4. an excessive, affected, sometimes cloying earnestness or fervor in manner, especially in speaking.
  5. Religion.
    • the oil used in religious rites, as in anointing the sick or dying.
    • the shedding of a divine or spiritual influence upon a person.
    • the influence shed.
    • extreme unction.
  6. the manifestation of spiritual or religious inspiration.
  1. the act of anointing with oil in sacramental ceremonies, in the conferring of holy orders
  2. excessive suavity or affected charm
  3. an ointment or unguent
  4. anything soothing or comforting
Unction (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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