Undertake (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), un·der·took [uhn-der-took], /ˌʌn dərˈtʊk/, un·der·tak·en, un·der·tak·ing.
  1. to take upon oneself, as a task, performance, etc.; attempt: She undertook the job of answering all the mail.
  2. to promise, agree, or obligate oneself (followed by an infinitive): The married couple undertook to love, honor, and cherish each other.
  3. to warrant or guarantee (followed by a clause): The sponsors undertake that their candidate meets all the requirements.
  4. to take in charge; assume the duty of attending to: The lawyer undertook a new case.
verb (used without object), un·der·took [uhn-der-took], /ˌʌn dərˈtʊk/, un·der·tak·en, un·der·tak·ing.
  1. to engage oneself by promise; give a guarantee, or become surety.
verb -takes, -taking, -took or -taken
  1. to contract to or commit oneself to (something) or (to do something)
  2. to attempt to; agree to start
  3. to take (someone) in charge
  4. to make oneself responsible (for)
  5. to promise
Undertake (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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