Unfaithful (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. not faithful; false to duty, obligation, or promises; disloyal: Given how unfaithful the party has been to voters, it would be surprising if they won.
  2. not sexually loyal to a spouse or lover; adulterous: She was concerned her husband would be unfaithful when he travelled.
  3. not accurate or complete; inexact: The book was an unfaithful translation of the original.
  4. without religious faith; unbelieving.
  1. not true to a promise, vow, etc
  2. not true to a wife, husband, lover, etc, esp in having sexual intercourse with someone else
  3. inaccurate; inexact; unreliable; untrustworthy
  4. not having religious faith; infidel
  5. not upright; dishonest
Unfaithful (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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