Unnatural (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. contrary to the laws or course of nature.
  2. at variance with the character or nature of a person, animal, or plant.
  3. at variance with what is normal or to be expected: the unnatural atmosphere of the place.
  4. lacking human qualities or sympathies; monstrous; inhuman: an obsessive and unnatural hatred.
  5. not genuine or spontaneous; artificial or contrived: a stiff, unnatural manner.
  6. lacking a valid or natural claim; illegitimate.
  1. contrary to nature; abnormal
  2. not in accordance with accepted standards of behaviour or right and wrong
  3. uncanny; supernatural
  4. affected or forced
  5. inhuman or monstrous; wicked
  6. illegitimate
Unnatural (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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