Variety (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural va·ri·e·ties.
  1. the state of being varied or diversified: to give variety to a diet.
  2. a number of different types of things, especially ones in the same general category: A variety of tropical plants dominate the hotel porch.The variety of baked goods is impressive.
  3. a kind or sort: This variety of yogurt is especially dense because it has very little whey.
  4. a particular form, condition, or phase of something: Artistic pursuits of every variety are represented here.
  5. a category within a species, based on some hereditary difference.
  6. a type of animal or plant produced by artificial selection.
  7. a stamp differing from others of the same issue through an accident other than an error of an artist or printer.
  8. difference; discrepancy.
  9. entertainment of mixed character, consisting of a number of individual performances or acts, as of singing, dancing, or skits.
  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of a variety: a variety store;variety performers.
noun plural -ties
  1. the quality or condition of being diversified or various
  2. a collection of unlike things, esp of the same general group; assortment
  3. a different form or kind within a general category; sort
    • a race whose distinct characters are insufficient to justify classification as a separate species; a subspecies
    • a strain of animal or plant produced by artificial breeding
    • entertainment consisting of a series of short unrelated performances or acts, such as comedy turns, songs, dances, sketches, etc
    • (as modifier)
Variety (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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