Versatile (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.: It takes a truly versatile writer to manage two genres so well.
  2. having or capable of many uses: A pocket knife is a versatile tool.
  3. attached at or near the middle so as to swing freely, as an anther.
  4. turning either forward or backward: a versatile toe.
  5. variable or changeable, as in feeling, purpose, or policy: His versatile moods made him a challenge to work with.
  6. vers.
  1. capable of or adapted for many different uses, skills, etc
  2. variable or changeable
  3. (of an anther) attached to the filament by a small area so that it moves freely in the wind
  4. able to turn forwards and backwards
Versatile (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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