Vesta (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth, worshiped in a temple containing an altar on which a sacred fire was kept burning by the vestal virgins: identified with the Greek Hestia.
  2. the second largest and by far the brightest asteroid in our solar system, discovered in 1807 and located in the asteroid belt.
  3. a short friction match with a wood or wax shank.
  4. a female given name.
  1. a short friction match, usually of wood
  1. the Roman goddess of the hearth and its fire. In her temple a perpetual flame was tended by the vestal virgins
  1. the brightest of the four largest asteroids. Diameter: about 530 km (240 miles)
    Vesta (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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