Vibe (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a general feeling or sensation that someone gets or has about something: She had mixed vibes about the merger decision, and serious reservations about the acting CEO.
  2. the character, quality, or atmosphere of a place, situation, etc.; ambiance: The bar has an outdoor junkyard vibe, with kegs for stools, tires hanging on the fences, and plastic chairs.Try to find plants that fit your vibe at home—succulents for a Southwest feel, or air plants for the minimalist.
  3. connection; rapport: Sometimes you have a good vibe with someone, but then it just goes nowhere.
  4. vibraphone.
  5. vibrator (def. 3).
verb (used without object)
  1. to spend relaxed, unstructured time (often followed by with):I spent most of my time creating stuff, laughing, and vibing with my buddies.
  2. be compatible; be in agreement or harmony (followed by with):I'm looking for someone I can vibe with on a spiritual and intellectual level.Live performance is all about vibing with the audience; the energy is different when you move from the studio to a stage.
  1. a feeling or flavour of the kind specified
Vibe (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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