Vivid (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. strikingly bright or intense, as color, light, etc.: a vivid green.
  2. full of life; lively; animated: a vivid personality.
  3. presenting the appearance, freshness, spirit, etc., of life; realistic: a vivid account.
  4. strong, distinct, or clearly perceptible: a vivid recollection.
  5. forming distinct and striking mental images: a vivid imagination.
  1. (of a colour) very bright; having a very high saturation or purity; produced by a pure or almost pure colouring agent
  2. brilliantly coloured
  3. conveying to the mind striking realism, freshness, or trueness to life; graphic
  4. (of a recollection, memory, etc) remaining distinct in the mind
  5. (of the imagination, etc) prolific in the formation of lifelike images
  6. making a powerful impact on the emotions or senses
  7. uttered, operating, or acting with vigour
  8. full of life or vitality
Vivid (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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