Volume (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a collection of written or printed sheets bound together and constituting a book.
  2. one book of a related set or series.
  3. a set of issues of a periodical, often covering one year.
  4. a roll of papyrus, parchment, or the like, or of manuscript.
  5. the amount of space, measured in cubic units, that an object or substance occupies.
  6. a mass or quantity, especially a large quantity, of something: a volume of mail.
  7. amount; total: the volume of sales.
  8. the degree of sound intensity or audibility; loudness: to turn up the volume on a radio.
  9. fullness or quantity of tone.
  1. speak volumes,
    • to be very evident or significant: Her testimony spoke volumes.
    • to be expressive or meaningful: Your eyes speak volumes.
  1. the magnitude of the three-dimensional space enclosed within or occupied by an object, geometric solid, etc
  2. a large mass or quantity
  3. an amount or total
  4. fullness or intensity of tone or sound
  5. the control on a radio, etc, for adjusting the intensity of sound
  6. a bound collection of printed or written pages; book
  7. any of several books either bound in an identical format or part of a series
  8. the complete set of issues of a periodical over a specified period, esp one year
  9. a roll or scroll of parchment, papyrus, etc
  10. to convey much significant information
    Volume (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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