Wallaby (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural wal·la·bies, (especially collectively) wal·la·by.
  1. any of various small and medium-sized kangaroos of the genera Macropus, Thylogale, Petrogale, etc., some of which are no larger than rabbits: several species are endangered.
noun plural -bies or -by
  1. any of various herbivorous marsupials of the genera Lagorchestes (hare wallabies), Petrogale (rock wallabies), Protemnodon, etc, of Australia and New Guinea, similar to but smaller than kangaroos: family Macropodidae
  2. (of a person) wandering about looking for work
noun plural -bies
  1. a member of the international Rugby Union football team of Australia
Wallaby (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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