Want (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to feel a need or a desire for; wish for: to want one's dinner; always wanting something new.
  2. to wish, need, crave, demand, or desire (often followed by an infinitive): I want to see you.She wants to be notified.
  3. to be without or be deficient in: to want judgment; to want knowledge.
  4. to fall short by (a specified amount): The sum collected wants but a few dollars of the desired amount.
  5. to require or need: The house wants painting.
verb (used without object)
  1. to feel inclined; wish; like (often followed by to): We can stay home if you want.
  2. to be deficient by the absence of some part or thing, or to feel or have a need (sometimes followed by for): He did not want for abilities.
  3. to have need (usually followed by for): If you want for anything, let him know.
  4. to be in a state of destitution, need, or poverty: She would never allow her parents to want.
  5. to be lacking or absent, as a part or thing necessary to completeness: All that wants is his signature.
  1. something wanted or needed; necessity: My wants are few.
  2. something desired, demanded, or required: a person of childish, capricious wants.
  3. absence or deficiency of something desirable or requisite; lack: plants dying for want of rain.
  4. the state of being without something desired or needed; need: to be in want of an assistant.
  5. the state of being without the necessaries of life; destitution; poverty: a country where want is virtually unknown.
  6. a sense of lack or need of something: to feel a vague want.
  1. wantin / out, Chiefly Midland.
    • to desire to enter or leave: The cat wants in.
    • to desire acceptance in or release from something specified: I talked with Louie about our plan, and he wants in.
  1. to feel a need or longing for
  2. to wish, need, or desire (something or to do something)
  3. to be lacking or deficient (in something necessary or desirable)
  4. to feel the absence of
  5. to fall short by (a specified amount)
  6. to have need of or require (doing or being something)
  7. to be destitute
  8. to seek or request the presence of
  9. to be absent
  10. should or ought (to do something)
  11. to wish to be included in a venture
  12. to wish to be excluded from a venture
  1. the act or an instance of wanting
  2. anything that is needed, desired, or lacked
  3. a lack, shortage, or absence
  4. the state of being in need; destitution
  5. a sense of lack; craving
  1. a mole
Want (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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