Weathered (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. seasoned or otherwise affected by exposure to the weather.
  2. (of wood) artificially treated to seem discolored or stained by the action of air, rain, etc.
  3. (of rocks) worn, disintegrated, or changed in color or composition by weathering.
  4. made sloping or inclined, as a window sill, to prevent the lodgment of water.
  1. affected by exposure to the action of the weather
  2. (of rocks and rock formations) eroded, decomposed, or otherwise altered by the action of water, wind, frost, heat, etc
  3. (of a sill, roof, etc) having a sloped surface so as to allow rainwater to run off
  4. (of wood) artificially stained so as to appear weather-beaten
Weathered (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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