Wink (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used without object)
  1. to close and open one eye quickly as a hint or signal or with some sly meaning (often followed by at): She winked at him across the room.
  2. to shine with little flashes of light; twinkle: The city lights winked in the distance.
  3. to close and open one or both eyes quickly.
verb (used with object)
  1. to signal or convey by closing and opening one eye quickly: Wink one eye if you need help later.
  2. to close and open (one or both eyes) quickly.
  3. to drive or force by opening and closing the eyes rapidly (usually followed by back or away): She attempted to wink back the tears.
  1. a winking movement, especially of one eye in giving a hint or signal:I gave the judges a wink of my eye to show my confidence.
  2. a hint or signal given by closing and opening one eye rapidly: Her wink assured me the plan was still on.
  3. an act of closing and opening one eye rapidly.
  4. the time required for closing and opening the eyes once; an instant or twinkling: I'll be there in a wink.
  5. a little flash of light; twinkle.
  6. the least bit: I didn't sleep a wink last night.
Verb Phrases
  1. to ignore deliberately, as to avoid the necessity of taking action: to wink at minor offenses.
noun Games.
  1. a disk or similar small object used in tiddlywinks.
  1. to close and open one eye quickly, deliberately, or in an exaggerated fashion to convey friendliness, etc
  2. to close and open (an eye or the eyes) momentarily
  3. to force away (tears, etc) by winking
  4. to signal with a wink
  5. (of a light) to gleam or flash intermittently
  1. a winking movement, esp one conveying a signal, etc, or such a signal
  2. an interrupted flashing of light
  3. a brief moment of time; instant
  4. the smallest amount, esp of sleep
  5. to give a hint
  1. a disc used in the game of tiddlywinks
Wink (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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