Worldly (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, world·li·er, world·li·est.
  1. of or relating to this world as contrasted with heaven, spiritual life, etc.; earthly; mundane.
  2. experienced; knowing; sophisticated: the benefits of his worldly wisdom.
  3. devoted to, directed toward, or connected with the affairs, interests, or pleasures of this world.
  4. of or relating to the people or laity; secular; neither ecclesiastical nor religious.
  5. of, relating to, or existing on earth.
  1. in a worldly manner (archaic except in combination): worldly-wise; worldly-minded.
adjective -lier or -liest
  1. not spiritual; mundane or temporal
  2. absorbed in or concerned with material things or matters that are immediately relevant
  3. versed in the ways of the world; sophisticated
  4. existing on or relating to the earth
  5. secular; lay
  1. in a worldly manner
Worldly (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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