Worst (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, superlative of bad and ill, withworse as comparative.
  1. bad or ill in the highest, greatest, or most extreme degree: the worst person.
  2. most faulty, unsatisfactory, or objectionable: the worst paper submitted.
  3. most unfavorable or injurious.
  4. in the poorest condition: the worst house on the block.
  5. most unpleasant, unattractive, or disagreeable: the worst personality I've ever known.
  6. most lacking in skill; least skilled: He’s the worst player on the team.
  1. that which is worst.
  1. in the most evil, wicked, severe, or disadvantageous manner.
  2. with the most severity, intensity, etc.; in the greatest degree.
verb (used with object)
  1. to defeat; beat: He worsted him easily.
  1. if the worst happens; under the worst conditions: He will be expelled from school, at worst.
  2. to be defeated in; experience the most harm from: New Jersey got the worst of the storm.
  3. if the very worst happens: If worst comes to worst, we still have some money in reserve.
  4. in an extreme degree; very much: She wanted a new robe for Christmas in the worst way.
  1. the superlative of bad 1
  1. in the most extreme or bad manner or degree
  2. least well, suitably, or acceptably
  3. in or to the smallest degree or extent; least
  1. the least good or most inferior person, thing, or part in a group, narrative, etc
  2. the most poor, unpleasant, or unskilled quality or condition
  3. the greatest amount of damage or wickedness of which a person or group is capable
  4. the weakest effort or poorest achievement that a person or group is capable of making
  5. the worst
    • in the least favourable interpretation or view
    • under the least favourable conditions
  6. if all the more desirable alternatives become impossible or if the worst possible thing happens
  7. to enjoy the least benefit from an issue or be defeated in it
  1. to get the advantage over; defeat or beat
Worst (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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