Amplification (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the act of amplifying or the state of being amplified.
  2. expansion of a statement, narrative, etc., as for rhetorical purposes: In the revision, the story underwent considerable amplification.
  3. a statement, narrative, etc., so expanded: The text of the second edition was an amplification.
  4. the matter or substance used to expand an idea, statement, or the like: He added an extra paragraph to his speech as an amplification.
  5. increase in the strength of current, voltage, or power.
  6. gene amplification.
  1. the act or result of amplifying
  2. material added to a statement, story, etc, in order to expand or clarify it
  3. a statement, story, etc, with such additional material
  4. electronics
    • the increase in strength of an electrical signal by means of an amplifier
    • another word for gain 1 (def. 13)
  5. the production of multiple copies of a particular gene or DNA sequence. It can occur naturally or artificially, by genetic engineering techniques
    Amplification (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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