Arm (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the upper limb of the human body, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist.
  2. the upper limb from the shoulder to the elbow.
  3. the forelimb of any vertebrate.
  4. some part of an organism like or likened to an arm.
  5. any armlike part or attachment, as the tone arm of a phonograph.
  6. a covering for the arm, especially a sleeve of a garment: the arm of a coat.
  7. an administrative or operational branch of an organization: A special arm of the government will investigate.
  8. any of the curved or bent pieces of an anchor, terminating in the flukes.
  9. an armrest.
  10. an inlet or cove: an arm of the sea.
  11. a combat branch of the military service, as the infantry, cavalry, or field artillery.
  12. power; might; strength; authority: the long arm of the law.
  13. support or protection: He had always been there when I needed a strong arm to lean on or a word of counsel.May you take comfort knowing she is in God's loving arms.
  14. either of the extensions to the right of the vertical line of a K or upward from the vertical stem of a Y.
  1. a great deal of money: Our night on the town cost us an arm and a leg.
  2. with arms linked together or intertwined: They walked along arm in arm.
  3. not on familiar or friendly terms; at a distance: He's the kind of person you pity but want to keep at arm's length.
  4. asleep: After a strenuous day, he was soon in the arms of Morpheus.
  5. free of charge; gratis: an investigation of policemen who ate lunch on the arm.
  6. put the arm on, Slang.
    • to solicit or borrow money from: She put the arm on me for a generous contribution.
    • to use force or violence on; use strong-arm tactics on: If they don't cooperate, put the arm on them.
  7. to use force or coercion on someone.
  8. cordially; with warm hospitality: a country that receives immigrants with open arms.
  1. weapons, especially firearms.
  2. the escutcheon, with its divisions, charges, and tinctures, and the other components forming an achievement that symbolizes and is reserved for a person, family, or corporate body; armorial bearings; coat of arms.
verb (used without object)
  1. to enter into a state of hostility or of readiness for war.
verb (used with object)
  1. to equip with weapons: to arm the troops.
  2. to activate (a fuze) so that it will explode the charge at the time desired.
  3. to cover protectively.
  4. to provide with whatever will add strength, force, or security; support; fortify: He was armed with statistics and facts.
  5. to equip or prepare for any specific purpose or effective use: to arm a security system; to arm oneself with persuasive arguments.
  6. to prepare for action; make fit; ready.
  1. bear arms,
    • to carry weapons.
    • to serve as a member of the military or of contending forces: His religious convictions kept him from bearing arms, but he served as an ambulance driver with the Red Cross.
  2. to prepare for war; go to war: to take up arms against the enemy.
  3. ready for battle; trained and equipped: The number of men under arms is no longer the decisive factor in warfare.
  4. ready to take action; indignant; outraged: There is no need to get up in arms over such a trifle.
  1. Armenian (def. 3).
  1. adjustable-rate mortgage.
  1. Armenian.
  2. Armorican.
  1. Master of Architecture.
  1. (in man) either of the upper limbs from the shoulder to the wrist
  2. the part of either of the upper limbs from the elbow to the wrist; forearm
    • the corresponding limb of any other vertebrate
    • an armlike appendage of some invertebrates
  3. an object that covers or supports the human arm, esp the sleeve of a garment or the side of a chair, sofa, etc
  4. anything considered to resemble an arm in appearance, position, or function, esp something that branches out from a central support or larger mass
  5. an administrative subdivision of an organization
  6. power; authority
  7. any of the specialist combatant sections of a military force, such as cavalry, infantry, etc
  8. nautical See yardarm
  9. ability to throw or pitch
  10. a large amount of money
  11. with arms linked
  12. at a distance; away from familiarity with or subjection to another
  13. to be prepared to make any sacrifice
  14. sleeping
  15. with great warmth and hospitality
  1. to walk arm in arm with
verb (tr)
  1. to equip with weapons as a preparation for war
  2. to provide (a person or thing) with something that strengthens, protects, or increases efficiency
    • to activate (a fuse) so that it will explode at the required time
    • to prepare (an explosive device) for use by introducing a fuse or detonator
  3. to pack arming into (a sounding lead)
  1. a weapon, esp a firearm
abbreviation for
  1. adjustable rate mortgage
abbreviation for
  1. Armenia(n)
Arm (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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