Attendant (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person who attends another, as to perform a service.
  2. an usher or clerk.
  3. a corollary or concomitant thing or quality.
  4. a person who is present, as at a meeting.
  1. being present or in attendance; accompanying.
  2. consequent; concomitant; associated; related: winter holidays and attendant parties; war and its attendant evils;poverty and its attendant hardships.
  1. a person who accompanies or waits upon another
  2. a person employed to assist, guide, or provide a service for others, esp for the general public
  3. a person who is present
  4. a logical consequence or natural accompaniment
  1. being in attendance
  2. associated; accompanying; related
Attendant (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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