Baller (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. Also ball·a [baw-luh] /ˈbɔ lə/ .Slang.
    • a successful person who has or earns a lot of money and lives a lavish, flashy, or extravagant lifestyle: I busted out my newly tailored suit and rolled in there like a baller, or at least I tried my best to.He’s a real baller now, upgrading from a bachelor pad to a penthouse.
    • someone who is proficient at playing ball, especially basketball:She'll be taking her talents, as a baller and a student, to Davidson College this fall.
  2. a tool that makes, scoops, or winds things into balls (used in combination): Using a melon baller, scoop out the inside of the apples, taking care to create a shell of even thickness. Just for kicks, they balled socks in a mechanical sock baller and shot them across the room.
  1. great or excellent, especially in a flashy or stylish way: I'd never been inside that club before, and the place is baller—it’s going to blow you away.
Baller (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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