Big (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, big·ger, big·gest.
  1. large, as in size, height, width, or amount: a big house; a big quantity.
  2. of major concern, importance, gravity, or the like: a big problem.
  3. outstanding for a specified quality: a big liar; a big success.
  4. important, as in influence, standing, or wealth: a big man in his field.
  5. grown-up; mature: big enough to know better.
  6. elder: my big sister.
  7. doing business or conducted on a large scale; major in size or importance: big government.
  8. consisting of the largest or most influential companies in an industry: Big steel wants to lower prices, but the smaller mills don't.
  9. known or used widely; popular: Nouvelle cuisine became big in the 1970s.
  10. magnanimous; generous; kindly: big enough to forgive.
  11. boastful; pompous; pretentious; haughty: a big talker.
  12. loud; orotund: a big voice.
  13. (of clothing or a clothing design) made of or distinguished by voluminous fabric that is loosely or softly shaped and fitted: a big shirt; the big look.
  14. (of a wine) having more than average flavor, body, and alcoholic content.
  15. filled; brimming: eyes big with tears.
  16. pregnant1 (def. 1).
  17. very strong; powerful.
  1. boastfully; pretentiously: to act big; to talk big.
  2. with great success; successfully: to go over big.
  1. the highest level of professional competition, as the major leagues in baseball.
  1. to have a special liking or enthusiasm for: Mother is big on family get-togethers.
  2. great (def. 23).
verb (used with object), bigged, big·ging.British Dialect.
  1. to build.
adjective bigger or biggest
  1. of great or considerable size, height, weight, number, power, or capacity
  2. having great significance; important
  3. important through having power, influence, wealth, authority, etc
  4. (intensifier usually qualifying something undesirable)
  5. considerable in extent or intensity (esp in the phrase in a big way)
    • elder
    • grown-up
    • generous; magnanimous
    • (in combination)
  6. brimming; full
  7. extravagant; boastful
  8. (of wine) full-bodied, with a strong aroma and flavour
  9. conceited; unduly self-confident
  10. in an advanced stage of pregnancy (esp in the phrase big with child)
  11. enthusiastic about
adverb informal
  1. boastfully; pretentiously (esp in the phrase talk big)
  2. in an exceptional way; well
  3. on a grand scale (esp in the phrase think big)
verb bigs, bigging, bigged or bug (bʌɡ) Scot
  1. to build
  2. to excavate (earth) into a pile
Big (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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