- disintegration; disruption; dispersal.
- the ending of a personal, especially a romantic, relationship.
- (in Alaska and Canada)
- the melting and loosening of ice in rivers and harbors during the early spring.
- the first day on which such ice is soft or dispersed enough to permit ships to use the waterways.
- an act or instance of being convulsed with laughter.
- temporary distortion in a televised picture.
- to separate or cause to separate
- to put an end to (a relationship) or (of a relationship) to come to an end
- to dissolve or cause to dissolve; disrupt or be disrupted
- (of a school) to close for the holidays
- (of a person making a telephone call) to be inaudible at times, owing to variations in the signal
- to lose or cause to lose control of the emotions
- to be or cause to be overcome with laughter
- a separation or disintegration
- Canadian
- in the Canadian north, the breaking up of the ice on a body of water that marks the beginning of spring
- this season