Chopper (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person or thing that chops.
  2. a short ax with a large blade, used for cutting up meat, fish, etc.; butcher's cleaver.
  3. a prehistoric implement made by striking flakes off one or both sides of a stone, considered the oldest known worked stone tool.
  4. the teeth.
  5. a helicopter.
  6. a motorcycle.
  7. a device for interrupting an electric current or a beam of light at regular intervals.
verb (used without object)
  1. Informal.
    • to travel by helicopter: We choppered into midtown from the airport.
    • to travel by motorcycle.
  1. a small hand axe
  2. a butcher's cleaver
  3. a person or thing that cuts or chops
  4. an informal name for a helicopter
  5. mainly British a slang name for penis
  6. a device for periodically interrupting an electric current or beam of radiation to produce a pulsed current or beam
  7. a type of bicycle or motorcycle with very high handlebars and an elongated saddle
  8. a child's bicycle
  9. a sub-machine-gun
    Chopper (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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