Clarify (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), clar·i·fied, clar·i·fy·ing.
  1. to make (an idea, statement, etc.) clear or intelligible; to free from ambiguity.
  2. to remove solid matter from (a liquid); to make into a clear or pellucid liquid.
  3. to free (the mind, intelligence, etc.) from confusion; revive: The short nap clarified his thoughts.
verb (used without object), clar·i·fied, clar·i·fy·ing.
  1. to become clear, pure, or intelligible: The political situation clarified.
verb -fies, -fying or -fied
  1. to make or become clear or easy to understand
  2. to make or become free of impurities
  3. to make (fat, butter, etc) clear by heating, etc, or (of fat, etc) to become clear as a result of such a process
Clarify (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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