Common (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, com·mon·er, com·mon·est.
  1. belonging equally to, or shared alike by, two or more or all in question: common property;common interests.
  2. pertaining or belonging equally to an entire community, nation, or culture;public: a common language or history;a common water-supply system.
  3. joint; united: a common defense.
  4. widespread; general; universal: common knowledge.
  5. of frequent occurrence; usual; familiar: a common event;a common mistake.
  6. hackneyed; trite.
  7. of mediocre or inferior quality; mean; low: a rough-textured suit of the most common fabric.
  8. coarse; vulgar: common manners.
  9. lacking rank, station, distinction, etc.; unexceptional; ordinary: a common soldier;common people;the common man;a common thief.
  10. friendly; sociable; unaffected.
  11. forming or formed by two or more parts or branches: the common carotid arteries.
  12. (of a syllable) able to be considered as either long or short.
  13. Grammar.
    • not belonging to an inflectional paradigm; fulfilling different functions that in some languages require different inflected forms: English nouns are in the common case whether used as subject or object.
    • constituting one of two genders of a language, especially a gender comprising nouns that were formerly masculine or feminine: Swedish nouns are either common or neuter.
    • noting a word that may refer to either a male or a female: French élève has common gender. English lacks a common gender pronoun in the third person singular.
    • (of a noun) belonging to the common gender.
  14. bearing a similar relation to two or more entities.
  15. of, relating to, or being common stock: common shares.
  1. a tract of land owned or used jointly by the residents of a community, usually a central square or park in a city or town.
  2. the right or liberty, in common with other persons, to take profit from the land or waters of another, as by pasturing animals on another's land (common of pasturage ) or fishing in another's waters (common of piscary ).
  3. commons, (used with a singular or plural verb)
    • the commonalty; the nonruling class.
    • the body of people not of noble birth or not ennobled, as represented in England by the House of Commons.
    • the representatives of this body.
    • the House of Commons.
  4. commons,
    • a large dining room, especially at a university or college.
    • food provided in such a dining room.
    • food or provisions for any group.
  5. Sometimes Commons .Ecclesiastical.
    • an office or form of service used on a festival of a particular kind.
    • the ordinary of the Mass, especially those parts sung by the choir.
    • the part of the missal and breviary containing Masses and offices of those saints assigned to them.
  6. Obsolete.
    • the community or public.
    • the common people.
  1. in joint possession or use; shared equally: They have a love of adventure in common.
  1. belonging to or shared by two or more people
  2. belonging to or shared by members of one or more nations or communities; public
  3. of ordinary standard; average
  4. prevailing; widespread
  5. widely known or frequently encountered; ordinary
  6. widely known and notorious
  7. considered by the speaker to be low-class, vulgar, or coarse
  8. having no special distinction, rank, or status
  9. maths
    • having a specified relationship with a group of numbers or quantities
    • (of a tangent) tangential to two or more circles
  10. (of a syllable) able to be long or short, or (in nonquantitative verse) stressed or unstressed
  11. (in certain languages) denoting or belonging to a gender of nouns, esp one that includes both masculine and feminine referents
  12. anatomy
    • having branches
    • serving more than one function
  13. of or relating to the common of the Mass or divine office
  14. ordinary; unexceptional
  1. a tract of open public land, esp one now used as a recreation area
  2. the right to go onto someone else's property and remove natural products, as by pasturing cattle or fishing (esp in the phrase right of common)
  3. Christianity
    • a form of the proper of the Mass used on festivals that have no special proper of their own
    • the ordinary of the Mass
  4. the ordinary people; the public, esp those undistinguished by rank or title
  5. mutually held or used with another or others
Common (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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