Cross (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a structure consisting essentially of an upright and a transverse piece, used to execute persons in ancient times.
  2. any object, figure, or mark resembling a cross, as two intersecting lines.
  3. a mark resembling a cross, usually an X, made instead of a signature by a person unable to write.
  4. the cross upon which Jesus died.
  5. a figure of the Cross as a Christian emblem, badge, etc.
  6. the Cross as the symbol of Christianity.
  7. a small cross with a human figure attached to it, as a representation of Jesus crucified; crucifix.
  8. a sign made with the right hand by tracing the figure of a cross in the air or by touching the foreheard, chest, and shoulders, as an act of devotion.
  9. a structure or monument in the form of a cross, set up for prayer, as a memorial, etc.
  10. any of various conventional representations or modifications of the Christian emblem used symbolically or for ornament, as in heraldry or art: a Latin cross;a Maltese cross.
  11. the crucifixion of Jesus as the culmination of His redemptive mission.
  12. any suffering endured for Jesus' sake.
  13. the teaching of redemption gained by Jesus' death.
  14. the Christian religion, or those who accept it; Christianity; Christendom.
  15. an opposition; thwarting; frustration.
  16. any misfortune; trouble.
  17. a crossing of animals or plants; a mixing of breeds.
  18. an animal, plant, breed, etc., produced by crossing; crossbreed.
  19. a person or thing that is intermediate in character between two others.
  20. a punch thrown across and over the lead of an opponent: a left jab, followed by a right cross.
  21. a contest the result of which is dishonestly arranged beforehand: Many of the onlookers, especially some who had bet heavily on Taylor, complained loudly that the fight was a “damnable cross.”
  22. a crossing.
  23. a place of crossing.
  24. a four-way joint or connection.
  25. an actor's movement from one area of a stage to another.
  26. an arrangement for the simultaneous sale and purchase of a block of stock handled by a single broker.
  27. spider (def. 6b).
  28. Southern Cross.
verb (used with object)
  1. to move, pass, or extend from one side to the other side of (a street, river, etc.).
  2. to put or draw (a line, lines, etc.) across.
  3. to cancel by marking with a cross or with a line or lines (often followed by off or out).
  4. to mark with a cross.
  5. to lie or pass across; intersect.
  6. to meet and pass.
  7. to transport across something.
  8. to assist or guide (a person) across a street or intersection: The guard crossed the child at the traffic light.
  9. to place in the form of a cross or crosswise.
  10. to cause (members of different genera, species, breeds, varieties, or the like) to interbreed.
  11. to oppose openly; thwart; frustrate.
  12. to betray; double-cross.
  13. to make the sign of a cross upon or over, as in devotion: to cross oneself.
  14. to set (a yard) in proper position on a mast.
  15. to confront in a hostile manner.
verb (used without object)
  1. to lie or be athwart; intersect.
  2. to move, pass, or extend from one side or place to another: Cross at the intersection.
  3. to meet and pass.
  4. to interbreed.
  5. to move from one side of the stage to the other, especially by passing downstage of another actor.
adjective, cross·er, cross·est.
  1. angry and annoyed; ill-humored; snappish: Don't be cross with me.
  2. lying or passing crosswise or across each other; athwart; transverse: cross timbers.
  3. involving a reciprocal action, interchange, or the like: a cross-endorsement of political candidates;cross-marketing of related services.
  4. contrary; opposite: They were at cross purposes with each other.
  5. adverse; unfavorable.
  6. crossbred; hybrid.
Verb Phrases
  1. cross over,
    • (of a chromosome segment) to undergo crossing over.
    • to switch allegiance, as from one political party to another.
    • to change successfully from one field of endeavor, genre, etc., to another: to cross over from jazz to rock.
    • to die; pass away.
  2. cross up,
    • to change arrangements made with; deceive: He crossed me up after we had agreed to tell the police the same story.
    • to confuse: I was supposed to meet him at the station, but got crossed up.
  1. to accept trials or troubles patiently.
  2. heart (def. 24).
  3. mind (def. 37).
  4. path (def. 7).
  5. to give money to, especially in payment for a service: I shall tell your fortune, but you must first cross my palm with silver.
  6. line1 (def. 68).
  7. in a dishonest manner; illegally: Her elegant clothes and those two splendid rings had been acquired on the cross.
  8. to make the vows of a crusader.
  1. U.S. educator: governor of Connecticut 1931–39.
  1. a combining form of cross, used to indicate an interaction or exchange of two or more things (cross-addicted, cross-cultural, cross-pollination), the extension across a space or the covering of a distance (cross-border, crosscountry), or the passing across or perpendicular intersection with something (crossbar, crosscurrent).
  1. a structure or symbol consisting essentially of two intersecting lines or pieces at right angles to one another
  2. a wooden structure used as a means of execution, consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece to which people were nailed or tied
  3. a representation of the Cross used as an emblem of Christianity or as a reminder of Christ's death
  4. any mark or shape consisting of two intersecting lines, esp such a symbol (×) used as a signature, point of intersection, error mark, etc
  5. a sign representing the Cross made either by tracing a figure in the air or by touching the forehead, breast, and either shoulder in turn
  6. any conventional variation of the Christian symbol, used emblematically, decoratively, or heraldically, such as a Maltese, tau, or Greek cross
  7. any of several charges in which one line crosses or joins another at right angles
  8. a cruciform emblem awarded to indicate membership of an order or as a decoration for distinguished service
  9. Christianity or Christendom, esp as contrasted with non-Christian religions
  10. the place in a town or village where a cross has been set up
  11. a pipe fitting, in the form of a cross, for connecting four pipes
  12. biology
    • the process of crossing; hybridization
    • an individual produced as a result of this process
  13. a mixture of two qualities or types
  14. an opposition, hindrance, or misfortune; affliction (esp in the phrase bear one's cross)
  15. a match or game in which the outcome has been rigged
  16. a fraud or swindle
  17. a straight punch delivered from the side, esp with the right hand
  18. the act or an instance of kicking or passing the ball from a wing to the middle of the field
  19. on the cross
    • diagonally
    • dishonestly
  1. to move or go across (something); traverse or intersect
    • to meet and pass
    • (of each of two letters in the post) to be dispatched before receipt of the other
  2. to cancel with a cross or with lines; delete
  3. to place or put in a form resembling a cross
  4. to mark with a cross or crosses
  5. to draw two parallel lines across the face of (a cheque) and so make it payable only into a bank account
  6. (tr)
    • to trace the form of the Cross, usually with the thumb or index finger upon (someone or something) in token of blessing
    • to make the sign of the Cross upon (oneself)
  7. (of telephone lines) to interfere with each other so that three or perhaps four callers are connected together at one time
  8. to cause fertilization between (plants or animals of different breeds, races, varieties, etc)
  9. to oppose the wishes or plans of; thwart
  10. to kick or pass (the ball) from a wing to the middle of the field
  11. to set (the yard of a square sail) athwartships
  12. to deal with matters, problems, etc, as they arise; not to anticipate difficulties
  13. to fold one finger across another in the hope of bringing good luck
  14. to promise or pledge, esp by making the sign of a cross over one's heart
  15. to occur to one briefly or suddenly
  16. to give someone money
  17. to meet or thwart someone
  18. to argue or fight
  1. angry; ill-humoured; vexed
  2. lying or placed across; transverse
  3. involving interchange; reciprocal
  4. contrary or unfavourable
  5. another word for crossbred (def. 1)
  6. a Brit slang word for dishonest
noun the Cross
  1. the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified
  2. the Crucifixion of Jesus
  1. Richard Assheton, 1st Viscount. 1823–1914, British Conservative statesman, home secretary (1874–80); noted for reforms affecting housing, public health, and the employment of women and children in factories
combining form
  1. indicating action from one individual, group, etc, to another
  2. indicating movement, position, etc, across something (sometimes implying interference, opposition, or contrary action)
  3. indicating a crosslike figure or intersection
      Cross (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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