Filthy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, filth·i·er, filth·i·est.
  1. foul with, characterized by, or having the nature of filth; disgustingly or completely dirty.
  2. vulgar; obscene: filthy language.
  3. contemptibly offensive, vile, or objectionable: to treat one's friends in a filthy manner.
  4. (of money) abundantly supplied (often followed by with): They're filthy with money.
  5. (especially in sports) formidable: a young rookie with a filthy curveball; knocked down by a filthy right hook.
verb (used with object), filth·ied, filth·y·ing.
  1. to make filthy; foul.
  1. outrageously wealthy; very rich.
adjective filthier or filthiest
  1. characterized by or full of filth; very dirty or obscene
  2. offensive or vicious
  3. extremely unpleasant
  1. extremely; disgustingly
Filthy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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