Howe (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a hole.
  2. the hold of a ship.
  3. a hollow; dell.
  1. hollow.
  2. deep.
  1. U.S. novelist and editor.
  2. U.S. inventor of the sewing machine.
  3. Canadian ice-hockey player.
  4. U.S. social historian and literary critic.
  5. U.S. writer and reformer: author of the Battle Hymn of the Republic (wife of Samuel Gridley Howe).
  6. British admiral (brother of William Howe).
  7. U.S. surgeon and humanitarian.
  8. British general in the American Revolutionary War.
  1. a depression in the earth's surface, such as a basin or valley
  1. Elias. 1819–67, US inventor of the sewing machine (1846)
  2. Gordon, known as Gordie . born 1928, US ice-hockey player, who scored1071 goals in a professional career lasting 32 years.
  3. Howe of Aberavon, Baron, title of (Richard Edward) Geoffrey Howe . born 1926, British Conservative politician; Chancellor of the Exchequer (1979–83); foreign secretary (1983–89); deputy prime minister (1989–90)
  4. Richard, 4th Viscount Howe. 1726–99, British admiral: served (1776–78) in the War of American Independence and commanded the Channel fleet against France, winning the Battle of the Glorious First of June (1794)
  5. his brother, William, 5th Viscount Howe. 1729–1814, British general; commander in chief (1776–78) of British forces in the War of American Independence
Howe (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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