- a hand-operated or power-driven apparatus for weaving fabrics, containing harnesses, lay, reed, shuttles, treadles, etc.
- the art or the process of weaving.
- the part of an oar between the blade and the handle.
- to weave (something) on a loom.
- to appear indistinctly; come into view in indistinct and enlarged form: The mountainous island loomed on the horizon.
- to rise before the vision with an appearance of great or portentous size: Suddenly a police officer loomed in front of him.
- to assume form as an impending event: A battle looms at the convention.
- a looming appearance, as of something seen indistinctly at a distance or through a fog: the loom of a moraine directly in their path.
- loon1.
- a guillemot or murre.
- Loyal Order of Moose.
- an apparatus, worked by hand (hand loom) or mechanically (power loom), for weaving yarn into a textile
- the middle portion of an oar, which acts as a fulcrum swivelling in the rowlock
- to come into view indistinctly with an enlarged and often threatening aspect
- (of an event) to seem ominously close
- (of large objects) to dominate or overhang
- a rising appearance, as of something far away
- another name for diver (def. 3)
- any of various other birds, esp the guillemot