Parity (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. equality, as in amount, status, or character.
  2. equivalence; correspondence; similarity; analogy: She and her brother always seemed like day and night to me, but I'm starting to see a real parity of nature between them.
  3. Finance.
    • equivalence in value in the currency of another country.
    • equivalence in value at a fixed ratio between moneys of different metals.
  4. Physics.
    • a property of a wave function, expressed as +1 or −1 and noting the relation of the given function to the function formed when each variable is replaced by its negative, +1 indicating that the functions are identical and −1 that the second function is the negative of the first.
    • a number +1 or −1 assigned to each kind of elementary particle in such a way that the product of the parities of the particles in a system of particles multiplied by the parity of the wave function describing the system is unchanged when particles are created or annihilated.
  5. a system of regulating prices of farm commodities, usually by government price supports, to provide farmers with the same purchasing power they had in a selected base period.
  6. the condition of the number of items in a set, particularly the number of bits per byte or word, being either even or odd: used as a means for detecting certain errors.
noun Obstetrics.
  1. the condition or fact of having borne offspring.
  2. para5 (def. 1).
noun plural -ties
  1. equality of rank, pay, etc
  2. close or exact analogy or equivalence
  3. finance
    • the amount of a foreign currency equivalent at the established exchange rate to a specific sum of domestic currency
    • a similar equivalence between different forms of the same national currency, esp the gold equivalent of a unit of gold-standard currency
  4. equality between prices of commodities or securities in two separate markets
  5. physics
    • a property of a physical system characterized by the behaviour of the sign of its wave function when all spatial coordinates are reversed in direction. The wave function either remains unchanged (even parity) or changes in sign (odd parity)
    • a quantum number describing this property, equal to +1 for even parity systems and –1 for odd parity systems
  6. a relationship between two integers. If both are odd or both even they have the same parity; if one is odd and one even they have different parity
  7. (in the US) a system of government support for farm products
  1. the condition or fact of having given birth
  2. the number of children to which a woman has given birth
    Parity (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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